Friday, August 19, 2016

► Results Note – Dialog Group (HOLD, maintain) - Good potential but valuation still high

Today’s Highlights
    Results Note  – Dialog Group (HOLD, maintain) - Good potential but valuation still high
    Results Note – MPI (HOLD, maintain) - FY16 earnings jump on currency translation
    Economy – ASEAN Outlook – Weekly Wrap - Philippines and Thai GDP growth in 2Q16 beat expectations

Quick bites            
    Gabungan AQRS – Wins RM508m SUKE subcontract

Outside Malaysia            
    It’s revenge of weak balance sheets in S&P 500 as stocks hover
    Jobless claims in US decreased more than forecast last week
    French unemployment rate drops to lowest in almost four years
    Brexit means little to British consumers when the sun is shining
    Japan’s July exports drop 14% in biggest fall since 2009
    China home-price gains cool as smaller cities impose curbs
    Philippines GDP beats forecasts in boost for Duterte’s plans
    Oil enters bull market as OPEC output-freeze optimism heats up

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