Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Maybank FX Tech Flash - MYR: Risk of Short Term Reversal - 5 Apr 2016

MYR: Risk of Short Term Reversal

§  We flagged the potential for USDMYR to go lower towards 3.90, 3.80 levels. We also flagged the potential for SGDMYR to go beyond its recent low of 2.89.
§  Our initial objectives for both USDMYR at 3.90 and SGDMYR at 2.89 were more than met (4 Apr).
§  But looking ahead, we caution for potential short-term reversal in the lead-up to OPEC/non-OPEC meeting (17Apr). The combination of renewed oil price weakness and cautious risk sentiment could persist. Stretched USD-short positioning against AXJs could adjust, especially given the recent moves lower. We see potential for USDAXJs including USDMYR to trade higher (possibly towards 4.00). SGDMYR could follow suit towards 2.95 levels.

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