Monday, April 11, 2016

RHB | China | Mild Inflationary Pressure And Monetary Easing To Continue

Economic Research
          11 April 2016

Economic Highlights

CPI stayed unchanged, while PPI beat expectation in Mar 2016 due to rising commodity prices. Unfavourable weather conditions and shortage of hog supply were major reasons to push up food price and resulted in relatively high CPI readings in recent months. Looking forward, we believe inflationary reading will peak in 2Q16 and then gradually move downwards due to rising comparable base and growing supply. We revise up our CPI forecast to 2.4% in 2016, from previous projection of 2.1%, given unexpected growing food price after the Lunar New Year. But this mild inflation is unlikely to change government’s easing stance. We still believe monetary authority is likely to lower RRR soon given softened USD in the last couple of weeks.

Economist:  Zhang Fan| +8621 6288 9611 ext 105

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