Monday, April 20, 2015

Weekly FX Update, 20 April 2015 Market Movers for the Week

Market Movers for the Week
v  From US: Existing Home Sales (Mar), Initial Jobless Claims (18 Apr), Markit Manufacturing PMI Flash (Apr), New Home Sales (Mar), Durable Goods Orders M/M (Mar).     
v  From Eurozone: Eurozone Construction Output Y/Y (Feb), Eurozone ZEW Economic Sentiment Index (Apr), Eurozone Consumer Confidence Flash (Apr), Eurozone Markit Manufacturing PMI Flash (Apr), Eurogroup Meeting, Germany PPI M/M (Mar), Germany Bundesbank Monthly Report, Germany Zew Economic Sentiment Index (Apr), Germany IFO Business Climate (Apr), UK MPC Meeting Minutes, UK Retail Sales Y/Y (Mar).      
v  From Asia: Japan Coincident Index Final (Feb), Japan Balance of Trade (Mar), Japan Markit/JMMA Manufacturing PMI Flash (Apr), Japan All Industry Activity Index M/M (Feb), China HSBC Manufacturing PMI Flash (Apr), Korea GDP Growth Rate Y/Y Advance (Q1 2015), Taiwan Unemployment Rate (Mar), Taiwan Industrial Production Y/Y (Mar), Singapore Inflation Rate Y/Y (Mar), Singapore Industrial Production Y/Y (Mar), Malaysia Inflation Rate Y/Y (Mar), Malaysia Unemployment Rate (Feb).            

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