Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New kids on the block

   15th October 2014 (Volume 11 Issue 41)

New kids on the block

This week IFN features a number of neophytes alongside familiar faces in the finance market; and we welcome them as bringing new trends and fresh ideas to the industry. Our cover story this week combines the two, exploring the innovation and evolution of asset management in the GCC and exploring the potential for sibling rivalry as new markets begin to open for business while old favorites clamor to keep up.

Our IFN reports also combine the old and the new: with a look at the impact on the Islamic finance industry of the 2015 budget from industry pioneer Malaysia; along with a focus on the rise of sovereign Sukuk in the Mediterranean, the first multi-tranche cross-border financing in Morocco, the future for South Africa’s sovereign Sukuk issuances in our Weekly Poll, and an analysis of the recent Hong Kong debut in our case study. Our sector feature looks at the vibrant Shariah ratings arena, while our country analysis explores opportunities in Tunisia.

Our IFN Correspondents come to you from Bahrain, Jordan, Malaysia and Pakistan; as well as bringing you a Takaful round-up. This week we also take a whistlestop tour around Africa: with a special report on Morocco from Rihab Grassa of the Tunisian Islamic Finance Association; while Basheer Oshodi of Sterling Bank contributes a country feature on Islamic finance in Nigeria.

Farmida Bi of Norton Rose discusses whether Sukuk has finally hit the mainstream; while Matthew Sapte of Dentons explores the challenges facing non-Muslim issuers in the market. Finally, we are delighted to bring you an exclusive interview with Shariah scholar Zubair Miah of Cobalt, the only Shariah compliant underwriting agency working within the London Insurance Market.

Cover Story

Chicken and egg: What is driving asset management growth in the GCC?
Asset management has been slow to develop both in the Gulf in general and in the Islamic finance industry. But with a series of new regulations coming into play and some significant steps taken by regional players to open up the market, we could be in for a sea change in the direction of fund flows as the tide turns and investment focus swings back towards the Gulf…


Daud speaks
I am writing this article for October publication a little earlier than usual, as I shall soon be departing for Hajj. By the time that you read this, the Hajj season will probably be over.

IFN Reports

IFN Country Correspondents

IFN Sector Correspondent

IFN Country Analysis

IFN Sector Analysis

Shariah Pronouncement

Hong Kong sovereign Sukuk: Evidence of a Sukuk-friendly environment
Carving a mark in history, the government of Hong Kong successfully completed its maiden Sukuk offering on the 18th September 2014

Special Report

Islamic finance in Morocco: New horizons
Morocco is the 11th largest Muslim country in the world with an estimated population around 33 million Muslims as of 2014. Yet the Islamic finance industry has been slow to develop, with a number of factors holding back its progress.


Overview of Islamic finance in Nigeria
Islamic finance in Nigeria, otherwise known as non-interest banking, has maintained consistency in growth. Jaiz Bank, Sterling Bank (also known as Sterling Alternative Finance (SAF)) and Stanbic IBTC Bank, a member of Standard Bank Group, are the only banks with non-interest banking licenses issued by the Central Bank of Nigeria.

Sukuk hit the mainstream
The last three months, dating from the issue of the UK government Sukuk in July, have shown that Islamic finance, and Sukuk in particular, is moving out of its traditional markets in the Gulf and Malaysia and is becoming a mainstream financing option for issuers globally. FARMIDA BI looks at how this could play out going forward.

Sukuk: Current challenges facing non-Muslim sovereign issuers
As we approach the end of the year and move into the fourth quarter, MATTHEW SAPTE looks at the growth of the Sukuk sector and evaluates the regulatory development of the market over 2014, with particular reference to the groundswell of interest from non-Muslim sovereign issuers.

Conversation with Cobalt
Our exclusive IFN Correspondent for the Takaful sector in Europe, interviews Zubair Miah, the Shariah scholar at Cobalt, the only Shariah compliant underwriting agency working within the London insurance market.

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