Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Burkina Faso set to welcome first institution offering Islamic financial services next year

Islamic Finance news Alert

Wednesday, 8th October 2014

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Daily Cover

BURKINA FASO: Joining the African Islamic finance fray, Burkina Faso’s Coris Bank International (CBI) has announced its decision to launch a Shariah compliant window early next year, paving the way for it to become the pioneering financial institution in the West African republic to offer Islamic banking services.

CBI’s announcement comes at a time when Shariah-conscious investors worldwide are increasingly turning to the African region for potential investment opportunities amid concrete efforts taken by African states (more particularly South Africa, Senegal, Nigeria and Kenya) in anchoring their position in the Islamic finance universe. With growing investment flow into the region and favorable demographics, Burkina Faso also seems to be keen in capitalizing on the opportunities which would expectedly ring well with its Muslim majority population.

“This project will ease access to funding for project developers, since the objective is to support the national economy through the practice of Islamic banking,” said Idrissa Nassa, CEO of CBI.

Established with a focus on the SME sector, CBI will be assisted by the IDB, which has been an ardent supporter for development projects in Burkina Faso (it has provided over US$871.5 million in approvals comprising 118 operations since 1978), through its affiliate, the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD). The ICD will provide training as well as lend expertise in setting up the Islamic window infrastructure.

The opening of the Islamic window will not only enable CBI to set precedent for parallel institutions to begin Shariah compliant operations in Burkina Faso but also in greater Africa as the bank plans to extend its Islamic banking operations to other countries in which it has a presence including Ivory Coast, Mali and Togo.

Jordan: An IFN Correspondent Report

Jordan officially inaugurates regulations for Sukuk
Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) prepared all the required regulations and instructions for the Islamic Sukuk Financing Law No. 30 in 2012. This Law shall regulate the dealing in Sukuk as an investment instrument related to Islamic banking. The primary market for Sukuk within the country is expected to include issuances from both public and private sectors under the structure of Ijarah, Mudarabah and Musharakah. Sukuk regulations are prepared by the three capital market institutions: the Jordan Securities Commission, the Amman Stock Exchange and the Securities Depository Center.
Pakistan: An IFN Correspondent Report

Al Baraka Bank issues first subordinated Sukuk
The Pakistani unit of Bahrain's Al Baraka Banking Group i.e. Al Baraka Bank (Pakistan) (ABPL) has raised PKR2 billion (US$19.5 million) through the country’s first issuance of subordinated Sukuk. The seven-year private placement Tier 2 Sukuk by its nature is unsecured and subordinated. The instrument is rated and privately placed to institutional investors in local currency. With Basel III global banking standards being phased in around the globe, several Islamic banks have issued subordinated instruments to raise capital. However, this kind of instrument has been issued by an Islamic bank for the first time in Pakistan.
Case Study

Hong Kong sovereign Sukuk: Evidence of a Sukuk-friendly environment
Carving a mark in history, the government of Hong Kong successfully completed its maiden Sukuk offering on the 18th September 2014. The paper is the world’s first US dollar-denominated Sukuk originated by a ‘AAA’-rated government in the global Islamic financial market. Speaking to Yvonne Siew, a partner at Allen & Overy, and Louise Hennessey, a senior associate at the firm, NABILAH ANNUAR writes on the momentous issuance.

Today's IFN Alerts

LUXEMBOURG: Luxembourg Stock Exchange confirms the listing of the Grand Duchy's EUR200 million (US$252.64 million) Sukuk

MALAYSIA: Securities Commission Malaysia details Shariah parameters for Islamic exchange-traded funds based on gold and silver

TURKEY: Bank Asya customers using social media to drum up support in the form of deposits

MALAYSIA: Bumi Armada Capital Malaysia releases audited financial statements for RM1.5 billion (US$459.77 million) Sukuk program

AZERBAIJAN: Azerbaijan's creditworthiness will help shield the country's economy from internal and external shocks, according to Moody's

UAE: Mubadala gains full ownership of UAE- based IT firm Injazat Data Systems following sale by Hewlett Packard

MALAYSIA: RAM reaffirms 'AA3/Stable' rating for Besraya's RM700 million (US$214.56 million) Sukuk Mudarabah

GLOBAL: Management changes at Baker & McKenzie

SOUTH AFRICA: President Jacob Zuma names new governor for South Africa's central bank

REDmoney events

IFN Sri Lanka Forum 2014
21st October 2014 (Colombo)

IFN Turkey Forum 2014
6th November 2014 (Istanbul)

IFN Saudi Arabia Forum 2014
17th November 2014 (Riyadh)

IFN Africa & Egypt Forum 2014
8th December 2014 (Cairo)

IFN Indonesia Forum 2015
22nd April 2015 (Jakarta)

IFN Asia Forum 2015
25th-26th May 2015 (Kuala Lumpur)

IFN Europe Forum 2015
9th-10th June 2015 (Luxembourg)

IFN Global Forum 2015
13th September 2015 (Dubai)

IFN Kuwait Forum 2015
5th October 2015 (Kuwait City)

IFN Iran Forum 2015
2015 (Tehran)

REDmoney training

Basel III for Financial Institutions
13th - 15th October 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Structuring Islamic Legal Documentation
14th - 15th October 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Shariah Governance, Corporate Governance and IFSA 2013
15th - 16th October 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Funds Transfer Pricing
19th - 21st October 2014 (Manama)

Stress-testing for Banks and Financial Institutions
28th - 29th October 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Derivatives & Options Masterclass
2nd - 4th November 2014 (Dubai)

Asset and Liability Management
9th - 11th November 2014 (Doha)

Advanced Sukuk & Islamic Securitization
10th - 12th November 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Accounting & Reporting for Islamic Financial Products
10th - 12th November 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Application of Islamic Principles in Shariah Fund Management
13th November 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Islamic Treasury and Risk Management Products
17th - 19th November 2014 (Dubai)

Effective Derivative Product Operations
17th - 19th November 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Funds Transfer Pricing
1st - 3rd December 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Takaful: Concepts, Products and Operation
8th - 10th December 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Advanced Sukuk & Islamic Securitization
15th - 17th December 2014 (Dubai)

Funds Transfer Pricing
15th - 17th December 2014 (Hong Kong)

Fixed Income Products & Bond Markets
9th - 10th March 2015 (Kuala Lumpur)

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