Wednesday, August 6, 2014

RHB | Economic Research – Tracking Global News, 6 Aug 2014

Economic Research
6 August 2014
Global News

Economic Highlights

US Services Activities Grew At The Fastest Pace In More Than Six Years In July, Factory Orders Rebounded In June, Indicating Continued Strength Of Economic Activity

Global Services Activities Strengthened In July, Pointing to Resilient Economic Growth

Eurozone’s Services Activities Rose To More Than Three-Year High In July And Retail Sales Inched Up In June

India’s Central Bank Held Interest Rate Unchanged At 8.0% On Monsoon Worries

Indonesia’s GDP Growth Inched Down In 2Q, On Weaker Domestic Demand And Poor Export Performance

Economist:  Peck Boon Soon  | +603 9280 2163
Economist:  Shafizal Shafaai  | +603 9280 2179

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