Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Asia Regulatory Review | 03 - 10 June 2014

ASIFMA Asia Regulatory Review

03 - 10 June 2014 | Issue 207
As India awaits the Budget, Bloomberg TV India tells you what are the FIIs expecting. Bloomberg TV India discusses the same with Mark Austen, CEO, ASIFMA. (BTVin)
Promoting Convergence and Investments in EU-Asian Financial Markets, co-organised by ASIFMA & CEPS.
AFME issues a new report on how to revive the securitisation market
China sets economic reform priorities for 2014
China's top economic planner on Tuesday released economic priorities for 2014 in a plan that has been approved by the State Council, the country's cabinet. The National Development and Reform Commission said authorities will cut red tape and slash items that need administrative approvals. (Xinhua)
China's central bank unveiled details of plans to let some banks lend more of their deposits, a move aimed at bolstering slowing economic growth.The People's Bank of China said Monday that it was making a "targeted cut" in the portion of deposits that banks need to keep on reserve. It trimmed the rate by half a percentage point for banks that lend to the rural sector and smaller companies. (WSJ)
China Regulator Pledges to Expand Credit as Economy Slows
China's banking regulator vowed to expand loans and cap borrowing costs, seeking to boost the supply of funds to the real economy as growth slows amid a clampdown on shadow financing. Lending to small businesses, major infrastructure projects and first-home buyers will be a priority, the China Banking Regulatory Commission said in a statement today. (Bloomberg)
China To Relax Loan/Deposit Ratio To Help Agriculture, SMEs
The Chinese government is planning to loosen the bank loan/deposit ratio in order to funnel more credit to areas such as agriculture and small business, the China Banking Regulatory Commission said Friday. CBRC Vice-Chairman Wang Zhaoxing told reporters at a briefing here the current 75% ratio is legally binding, but said the government is looking into ways to relax the loan and deposit categories to make it easier for banks to lend to credit-starved parts of the economy. (MNI News)
The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) approved 10 initial public offering (IPO) applications on Monday, marking the official restart of IPOs since mid-February. Five applicants will be listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the rest on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the CSRC said in a Weibo posting. But it did not provide their names. (Xinhua)
The securities regulator has tightened rules for initial public offerings again, to the dismay of an investment banker who wants the market to decide how shares are priced. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has told IPO candidate companies to promise not to raise more funds than their prospectuses aimed for and to cap their offering price-to-earnings ratio at their industry's average level, sources close to the regulator said. (Caixin)
IMF's Lipton: China Faces Increased Credit Risk; Should Cut GDP Target
The Chinese economy is facing increasing risks from its reliance on credit-fuelled investment, a senior International Monetary Fund official warned Thursday, recommending that the government cut next year's growth target to just 7%. First Managing Director David Lipton also told reporters at a briefing here that the fund believes the yuan's real exchange rate is still "moderately undervalued," an assessment that remains unchanged from 2013 despite the currency's recent weakness against the dollar. (MNI News)
This is a brief which aims to provide a quick pictorial summary of recent economic developments in the Singapore economy.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has published a consultation paper on proposed amendments to the Monetary Authority of Singapore Act (MAS Act) and Trust Companies Act (TCA). The proposed amendments are intended to strengthen the regulatory framework for combating money laundering and terrorism financing (AML/CFT). Comments on the consultation paper are due by 7 July 2014.
Speech by Mr Lim Hng Kiang, Minister For Trade & Industry, at the World Bank-Singapore Infrastructure Finance Summit at Intercontinental Hotel Singapore On 3 June 2014
SGX proposes regulatory framework for secondary listings
The Singapore Exchange (SGX) has published a consultation paper on its proposed regulatory framework for secondary listed companies on the exchange. Under the current framework, the SGX reviews the legal and regulatory requirements of the primary listing venue or 'home exchange' for each company from a jurisdiction new to the exchange.
Singapore's three biggest banks are ramping up hiring to capture a surge in demand from western multinationals wanting to use local banks - rather than global rivals - as they expand in the fast-growing markets of Southeast Asia. The move highlights how multinationals - whether in retail, consumer, manufacturing or engineering - are changing their banking relationships and dealing more with local players as they seek to take advantage of the creation of a single market in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. (FT)
The Narendra Modi government will take a series of steps to rebuild investor confidence while keeping fiscal consolidation firmly in sight as part of its plan to mend the economy in the next two years and then make an aggressive push for growth in the remaining three years of its term. (Economic Times)
The finance ministry is examining various suggestions made by investment bankers to merge the country's biggest state-run banks to create much stronger financial institutions. One proposal suggests Punjab National Bank, Indian Bank and Dena Bank be merged to create a bank with an asset base of more than Rs 9 lakh crore. (Economic Times)
India, US trade officials to start work on policy forum meet
Trade officials of India and the US are expected to meet here soon to prepare the groundwork for the ministerial level meeting of Trade Policy Forum (TPF). "Dy. USTR expected to travel to India to prepare groundwork for upcoming Ministerial Trade Policy Forum meeting," Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman tweeted. Deputy Unites States Trade Representative (USTR) Wendy Cutler will meet Commerce Secretary Rajeev Kher. (Economic Times)
The Reserve Bank of India, today, signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on "Supervisory Cooperation and Exchange of Supervisory Information" with the Financial Services Commission and the Financial Supervisory Services, Republic of Korea. With this, the Reserve Bank has now signed 20 such MoUs and one Letter for Supervisory Co-operation.
Know Your Customer Norms/Anti-Money Laundering Standards/ Combating of Financing of Terrorism / Obligation of banks under Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 - Clarification on Proof of Address
Abe Orders Review of Japan Pension Fund Assets: Tamura
Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ordered an earlier review of the biggest pension fund's portfolio, Health Minister Norihisa Tamura said today, amid speculation the fund is already buying more stocks. Tamura will ask the 128.6 trillion yen ($1.3 trillion) Government Pension Investment Fund to work on an overhaul of its investments, he said in Tokyo. (Bloomberg)
The Japan Financial Services Agency has published a draft amendment to the regulations under the Investment Trust and Investment Corporations Act (ITICA). The proposed amendment aims to expand the scope of 'specified assets', which consists of assets of investment trusts and investment corporations established pursuant to the ITICA. According to the FSA, this proposal is in response to growing investor interest in infrastructure investments, including in infrastructure funds listed on stock exchanges. The draft amendment proposes to include the following assets within the scope of 'specified assets': renewable energy power generating facilities; and rights to manage public facilities. Comments on the draft amendment are due by 7 July 2014.
Speech by Governor Glenn Stevens, to the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco's Symposium on Asian Banking and Finance.
Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens is backing moves requiring banks to aggressively build up capital buffers ahead of schedule, saying this will leave them better prepared for future shocks. As lenders complain that the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is being too hasty in implementing key parts of global banking rules, Mr Stevens makes the case for banks increasing their capital levels ''faster, rather than slower.'' (Sydney Morning Herald)
The Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking has proposed a three-pronged strategy aimed at boosting economic growth, supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and enhancing foreign investor confidence. At the same time, economic growth of between 2% and 2.5% is expected this year on the back of resumed public stimulus measures. (Bangkok Post)
ASIFMA has compiled various reports and articles listed below to raise awareness of the latest issues and policy proposals to inform interested parties of the rapid developments in the cyber world.
The Bank of England launches new framework to test for cyber vulnerabilities
In a speech today at the British Bankers' Association, Andrew Gracie, Executive Director, Resolution at the Bank of England, formally launched a new framework to help identify areas where the financial sector could be vulnerable to sophisticated cyber-attack. This is part of the Bank of England's response to the Financial Policy Committee's recommendation to test and improve resilience to cyber-attack.
The number of companies reporting concerns about cyber security to US regulators more than doubled in the past two years to 1,174, according to official data. Commercial bankers and oil and gas producers were among those most worried about attacks. Awareness of cyber crime has definitely increased due to the severity of attacks.
The International Organization of Securities Commissions today published a consultation report on Good Practices on Reducing Reliance on CRAs in asset management. The report is aimed at gathering the views and practices of investment managers, institutional investors and other interested parties, with a view to developing a set of good practices on reducing over reliance on external credit rating in the asset management space.
Timothy Massad Sworn In as Chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Timothy Massad was officially sworn in today, after being confirmed by the U.S. Senate on June 3, to serve as the Chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the federal agency that oversees the commodity futures, options and swaps industry. Mr. Massad will assume his responsibilities immediately.
CFTC Staff Issues Extension to Time-Limited No-Action Letter on the Applicability of Transaction-Level Requirements in Certain Cross-Border Situations
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission's Division of Swap Dealer and Intermediary Oversight, Division of Clearing and Risk, and Division of Market Oversight issued a time-limited no-action letter that extends relief to swap dealers registered with the Commission that are established under the laws of jurisdictions other than the United States (Non-U.S. SDs) from certain transaction-level requirements under the Commodity Exchange Act.
U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission and Australian Authorities Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Supervision of Cross-Border Clearing Organizations
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced this morning that the CFTC and the Reserve Bank of Australia and Australian Securities and Investments Commission (Australian Authorities) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding cooperation and the exchange of information in the supervision and oversight of clearing organizations that operate on a cross-border basis in the United States and in Australia.
US Senate Finance Chiefs Set Summer Hearings on Tax Reform
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden and Sen. Orrin Hatch, the ranking Republican on the panel, said Thursday they have agreed on a set of hearings this summer to spur movement toward comprehensive tax reform. In a joint statement, Wyden and Hatch said it's time to build momentum for tax reform by breaking the issue into smaller pieces. (MNI News)
When deciding to lower the key ECB interest rates at its meeting, the Governing Council of the ECB took the decision to cut the interest rate on the deposit facility to -0.10%.
ECB announces monetary policy measures to enhance the functioning of the monetary policy transmission mechanism
In pursuing its price stability mandate, the Governing Council of the ECB has today announced measures to enhance the functioning of the monetary policy transmission mechanism by supporting lending to the real economy.
Today, national ministers in the Justice Council backed the Commission's proposal to modernise European rules on cross-border insolvency. The modernised Insolvency Regulation will provide a new approach to help businesses overcome financial difficulties, shifting the focus away from liquidation, while protecting creditors' right to get their money back.
ESMA announces three open hearings on MiFID II
ESMA has opened registrations for the three open hearings on MiFID II/MiFIR. The hearings will take place on 7 and 8 July and are open to the public free of charge. Please note however that due to the expected high level of interest attendance is limited to one person per company/association.
The International Monetary Fund has warned that a housing bubble could derail the UK's economic recovery, as it urged the government to consider reining in the Help to Buy scheme and called on the Bank of England to clamp down on risky mortgages. (The Guardian)




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