Monday, June 1, 2015

Weekly FX Update, 1 June 2015 Market Movers for the Week

v  From US: Personal Spending M/M (Apr), Personal Income M/M (Apr), Construction Spending M/M (Apr), ISM Manufacturing PMI (May), Factory Orders M/M (Apr), ADP Employment Change (May), Balance of Trade (Apr), ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI (May), Fed’s Beige Book, Non Farm Payrolls (May), Unemployment Rate (May).     
v  From Eurozone: Eurozone Markit Manufacturing PMI Final (May), Eurozone Inflation Rate Y/Y Flash (May), Eurozone Unemployment Rate (Apr), ECB Interest Rate Decision, Eurozone GDP Growth Rate Y/Y 2nd Estimate (Q1 2015), Germany Inflation Rate Y/Y Preliminary (May), Germany Unemployment Rate (May), UK BoE Interest Rate Decision.      
v  From Asia: Japan Capital Spending Y/Y (May), Japan Markit Services PMI (May), China Manufacturing PMI (May), China HSBC Services PMI (May), China HSBC Manufacturing PMI (May), Korea Balance of Trade (May), Korea Inflation Rate Y/Y (May), Taiwan Inflation Rate Y/Y (May), Philippine Inflation Rate Y/Y (May), Thailand Consumer Confidence (May), Singapore Manufacturing PMI (May), Malaysia Balance of Trade (Apr).          

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