Saturday, October 4, 2014

Al Baraka Bank Pakistan issues country’s first subordinated Sukuk raising PKR2 billion (US$19.31 million)

Islamic Finance news Alert

Friday, 3rd October 2014

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Daily Cover

PAKISTAN: Al Baraka Bank Pakistan, a member of the Bahrain-based Al Baraka Banking Group and one of Pakistan’s five fully-fledged Islamic banks, has issued the country’s first subordinated Sukuk, raising PKR2 billion (US$19.31 million) in the privately-placed issuance.

The issuance is the first of its kind to be issued by an Islamic bank in Pakistan, according to Abdullah Ghaffar, the bank’s head of investment banking. The ‘A’-rated, seven-year paper utilizes a Mudarabah structure and includes loss absorbency features. Ghaffar elaborates: “The Tier 2 Sukuk by its nature is unsecured and subordinated, is rated and privately placed to institutional investors in local currency.” The minimum paid-up capital for Islamic banks in Pakistan is PKR6 billion (US$57.95 million) and in issuing, Al Baraka Bank Pakistan has followed in the footsteps of a number of Shariah compliant banks worldwide, including AlBaraka Turk, which last year issued US$200 million Sukuk to boost Tier 2 capital.

Al Baraka Bank Pakistan, the country’s second-largest Islamic bank by assets, was established in 1991 and currently has a branch network of 110 branches across 58 cities, with plans to expand its reach to 83 towns and cities within Pakistan. As the drive to increase the footprint of Islamic finance in Pakistan continues, Al Baraka Bank Pakistan has contributed to its development, acting as lead advisor and arranger on a PKR3 billion (US$28.97 million) Musharakah-based transaction to Zaver Petroleum Corporation in May. In August, the bank announced a research partnership with the World Bank examining the risk-management challenges facing Islamic banks, with a particular focus on Musharakah and Mudarabah under the profit-and-loss-sharing system.

Plans for the subordinated Sukuk were announced in May by Adnan Ahmed Yousif, CEO of Al Baraka Banking Group, following confirmation from the government of Pakistan that it would be issuing sovereign Sukuk of US$1 billion. The government this week stated that the auction for the sovereign issuance will take place before the end of October.

Brunei: An IFN Correspondent Report

Retail banking focus in the Bruneian Islamic finance industry
The Islamic banking industry in Negara Brunei Darussalam (Brunei) is moving significantly towards fully-fledged Shariah compliant banking. This is indicated by the formation of Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam as the only state-owned bank in the country after merging two entities, as well as the keen interest demonstrated by foreign banks, such as Standard Chartered, in establishing an Islamic banking set-up. According to market practitioners, it is projected that the market share of Islamic banking will grow from 45% to 60% over the next five years.
IFN Global Trendswatch

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REDmoney events

IFN Sri Lanka Forum 2014
21st October 2014 (Colombo)

IFN Turkey Forum 2014
6th November 2014 (Istanbul)

IFN Saudi Arabia Forum 2014
17th November 2014 (Riyadh)

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8th December 2014 (Cairo)

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22nd April 2015 (Jakarta)

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25th-26th May 2015 (Kuala Lumpur)

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9th-10th June 2015 (Luxembourg)

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13th September 2015 (Dubai)

IFN Kuwait Forum 2015
5th October 2015 (Kuwait City)

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2015 (Tehran)

REDmoney training

Basel III for Financial Institutions
13th - 15th October 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Shariah Audit for Islamic Business Banking
13th - 15th October 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Structuring Islamic Legal Documentation
14th - 15th October 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Shariah Governance, Corporate Governance and IFSA 2013
15th - 16th October 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Funds Transfer Pricing
19th - 21st October 2014 (Manama)

Stress-testing for Banks and Financial Institutions
28th - 29th October 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Derivatives & Options Masterclass
2nd - 4th November 2014 (Dubai)

Asset and Liability Management
9th - 11th November 2014 (Doha)

Advanced Sukuk & Islamic Securitization
10th - 12th November 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Accounting & Reporting for Islamic Financial Products
10th - 12th November 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Application of Islamic Principles in Shariah Fund Management
13th November 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Islamic Treasury and Risk Management Products
17th - 19th November 2014 (Dubai)

Effective Derivative Product Operations
17th - 19th November 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Funds Transfer Pricing
1st - 3rd December 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Takaful: Concepts, Products and Operation
8th - 10th December 2014 (Kuala Lumpur)

Advanced Sukuk & Islamic Securitization
15th - 17th December 2014 (Dubai)

Funds Transfer Pricing
15th - 17th December 2014 (Hong Kong)

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9th - 10th March 2015 (Kuala Lumpur)

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