Monday, April 3, 2017

M3 Momentum Accelerates On Broad-Based Gains

Economic Research
3 April 2017

Economic Update

Singapore’s broad money supply (M3), including Asian currency units, grew 9% YoY in February, accelerating from an 8.7% rise the month before. The pick-up in gains was broad-based. Going forward, M3 is expected to grow at around its current rate in the next few months, supported by expectations of further US Federal Reserve rate hikes and an improving export outlook.
However, things may soften in the latter part of the year as M3 continues to outpace loan growth by a wide margin, hinting at elevated amounts of hot money. We maintain our forecast for M3 to expand 5.6% this year, from +4.2% in 2016.
Bank lending expanded 3.5% YoY in February, backed by rising loan demand from both the commercial and consumer segments.

Economist:  Ng Kee Chou | +603 92802179

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