Friday, September 12, 2014

EPICENTRE - Islamic Finance. Ready to Finance A Greener World

MIFC Epicentre
September 2014 / Zulkaedah 1435H

Growing global concerns for achieving sustainable and environment-friendly development has led to a sharp uptake in green projects. The likes of the World
Bank, European Commission, United Nations Environment Programme and other international agencies have all championed the cause for achieving a cleaner, resilient and sustainable world economic ecosystem.

Global Islamic Finance Forum 2014
The Global Islamic Finance Forum (GIFF) 2014 marks the first time the Islamic finance industry was given the opportunity to organise the forum. As the industry’s stakeholders gather at this year’s instalment of the forum, its organiser Association of Islamic Banking Institutions Malaysia (AIBIM) believes the industry-led event provides the premier platform to address the pertinent issues confronting Islamic finance.

Themed ‘Marketplace for Global Linkages’, GIFF 2014 brings together more than 100 global thought leaders to discuss issues, challenges and opportunities to further expand the industry’s reach in emerging and developed markets.

Marketplace For Global Linkages - insights from the Bloomberg interview

Bloomberg gathers insights from Islamic finance experts and thought leaders on the internationalisation of Islamic finance at the Global Islamic Finance Forum 2014.
The Royal Award for Islamic Finance
The Royal Award for Islamic Finance is a distinctive Award recognising leaders and visionaries who inspire others to create a positive impact in the world through the shared values and principles of Islamic finance. The Award is presented by His Majesty, the King of Malaysia.

Awarded every two years, The Royal Award is jointly organised by Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) and Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), under the Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre (MIFC) initiative, with focus on the three values of inclusiveness, innovation and independence.

Khazanah Issues USD500 Million Mudarabah-Murabahah Exchangeable Sukuk Priced at Negative Yield
Khazanah Nasional Berhad successfully priced a benchmark USD500 million (RM1.59 billion) exchangeable sukuk to be issued via its Labuan incorporated independent special purpose company, Cahaya Capital Ltd.
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