Friday, May 9, 2014

Asia Regulatory Review | 29 April - 08 May 2014

ASIFMA Asia Regulatory Review

29 April - 08 May 2014 | Issue 202
ASIFMA, together with Standard Chartered and Thomson Reuters, today launched the "RMB Roadmap", a new white paper which advocates and anticipates more open capital markets and increased global usage of renminbi as part of the currency's rise to greater prominence.

PBoC: China to keep monetary policy continuous, stable
The People's Bank of China (PBoC), the central bank, vowed to maintain continuity and stability of its monetary policy in a report released on Tuesday. PBoC will continue to adopt prudent monetary policy and fine tune it in light of changes so that the policy can stabilize growth, boost reforms, adjust structures, enhance people's welfare and prevent risks, said the report. (Xinhua)
The People's Bank of China (PBC) recently released China Financial Stability Report 2014, laying out the work focus of 2014, which mainly includes the following aspects: improving the prospectiveness, pertinence and collaboration of macro control and introducing reform and innovation throughout all fields and links of economic and social development to stimulate market vitality; accelerating interest rate liberalization and improving market-oriented RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, etc. (NAFMIII Newsletter)
China Regulator Warns Lenders Over Personal Loan Abuses
China's banking regulator asked lenders in the nation's capital to tighten up risk management over personal loans after it found people were using the money to buy homes and stocks. Some Beijing-based lenders have approved large amounts of borrowings with maturities that extend too long for typical personal loans, according to a notice posted today on the website of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. (Bloomberg)
China's PBOC to Boost Property, LGFV Credit Supervision
China will strengthen monitoring of credit extended to local government financing vehicles, real estate developers and industries facing overcapacity, the nation's central bank said. The People's Bank of China is taking steps to minimize potential contagion to the entire financial system from risks in those areas, according to a quarterly monetary-policy report posted on its website yesterday. (Bloomberg)
Bank of China, the country's third-largest bank, plans to issue 2.5 billion yuan (HK$3.15 billion) of yuan bonds in Luxembourg. The bonds, the first to be listed in the euro zone by a Chinese firm, will be issued by BOC's Luxembourg branch and carry a maturity of three years, according to a term sheet seen by the Post. (SCMP)
China's CSRC asks IPO candidates to submit issuance plans
The China Securities Regulatory Commission has asked IPO candidates which have already passed listing hearings to submit issuance plans and related materials, according to multiple sources familiar with the situation, signalling that the next round of IPOs is about to come. (IFR Asia)
Further to the policy announcement of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme, the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) has issued a consultation draft of the 'Implementing Rules for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect Pilot Scheme' for public comment. Besides setting out the rules on the operational level for the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect. The consultation period will end on 16 May 2014
China will launch its first carbon-linked financial product on Thursday, a debt note linked to the performance of carbon offsets on the Shenzhen Emissions Exchange, issued by a unit of China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN). The launch will be a first test of financial market confidence in China's emerging emissions markets, as trading houses generally consider outright trade in carbon permits unattractive, since it is limited to spot deals. (Reuters)
Bank of China, one of China's biggest commercial banks, decided to raise renminbi capital of its Frankfurt branch, in a move to strengthen its competitiveness in offshore business of Chinese currency renminbi (RMB), said the bank on Wednesday. Capital of Bank of China in Frankfurt would be boosted by one billion yuan (about 162.49 million U.S. dollars), said the bank in Berlin. This was the biggest capital increase in Chinese currency ever since by Chinese banks operating in the euro zone, according to the bank. (Xinhua)
SFC outlines risks of crowd-funding and potential regulatory issues
The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) today issues a notice reminding parties engaging in crowd-funding activities of the potential application of relevant securities laws and regulations, and reminding the public of potential risks relating to participating in crowd-funding activities in view of the increase in such activities internationally and in Hong Kong.
SFC issues guidelines on internal product approval process
The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has issued a circular to introduce a set of guidelines on the internal product approval process for product providers of SFC authorised unit trusts and mutual funds, investment-linked assurance schemes and unlisted structured investment products. The guidelines are effective from 1 May 2014.
The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission's (Commission) Division of Clearing and Risk today issued a time-limited no-action letter stating that DCR will not recommend that the Commission take enforcement action against OTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited (OTC Clear) for failing to register as a derivatives clearing organization.
Structural reforms needed to improve Asia's economies
Statement by Mr Eddie Yue, Deputy Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and Head of Delegation, Hong Kong, for the 47th Asian Development Bank Annual Meeting.
Agreement to Facilitate Compliance by Singapore Financial Institutions with US Tax Laws
Singapore and the US have substantially concluded discussions on an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) that will facilitate compliance with the US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) by Singapore-based financial institutions. The two countries have initialled a Model 1 IGA.
The Sub-Committee of the Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) constituted a high level Working Group, with Shri Anand Sinha, the then Deputy Governor, RBI as Chairperson and Dr. Arvind Mayaram, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India as Co-Chairperson to suggest extensive strengthening of the resolution regime taking into consideration the structure of Indian financial institutions and the Financial Stability Board's Key Attributes of Effective Resolution Regime for Financial Institutions. The Group has submitted its report to the Governor, RBI and Chairman of the Sub-Committee of FSDC.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Tuesday launched a spirited defence of his "Abenomics" reforms aimed at kickstarting the world's third-largest economy, saying the policy blitz had yielded great results. The reforms, based on big government spending, central bank monetary easing and structural change, had been hailed internationally as an opportunity to reverse deflation and sluggish growth after Abe launched them in 2012 when elected for a second term. (Channel News Asia)
The Bank of Japans views on the economic growth trend and potential risks in 2014 - 2016.
Miscellaneous amendments to the taxation laws
The exposure draft law and draft explanatory memorandum cover proposed miscellaneous amendments to the taxation laws. The community's views are sought on these amendments. The amendments seek to ensure the law operates as intended by correcting technical or drafting defects, removing anomalies and addressing unintended outcomes. The amendments are part of the Government's commitment to the care and maintenance of the taxation laws.
Thailand's caretaker government installed an acting prime minister to stave off collapse after a court removed Yingluck Shinawatra, casting doubt on a general election planned for July and risking renewed protests. (Bloomberg)
Thailand's sluggish economic growth is expected to bottom out, as witnessed by improved domestic consumption and private investment in March after shrinkage in the previous two months, says a senior Bank of Thailand official. (Bangkok Post)
The Indonesian government is still scrambling to connect areas nationwide before it can move ahead with 15 ASEAN connectivity projects, which will connect member states to one another. Indonesia could lose out in regional competition if ASEAN connectivity outpaces domestic connectivity once the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) comes into effect next year, which will allow for the rapid movement of goods, services and people within the region, say government officials. (Jakarta Post)
Japan to Assist in Drafting Myanmar's Stock Exchange Regulations
Japanese Ministry of Finance's research team, Tokyo Stock Exchange and Myanmar's Ministry of Finance will together draft rules and regulations for Yangon Stock Exchange, said Dr Maung Maung Thein, deputy minister for finance. He added that Japanese Ministry of Finance will also help to draw the regulations for Stock Exchange Commission (SEC). (Eleven Myanmar)
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are set to launch a contingency fund during a July summit in Brazil, Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega said Tuesday. The $100 billion fund is meant to be a buffer for the group of emerging economies known as the Brics countries. (WSJ)
The global economy will strengthen over the coming two years, but urgent action is still required to further reduce unemployment and address other legacies from the crisis, according to the OECD's latest Economic Outlook. "Advanced economies are gaining momentum and driving the pick-up in global growth, while once-stalled cylinders of the economic engine, like investment and trade, are starting to fire again," OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria said while launching the Outlook during the Organisation?s annual Ministerial Council Meeting and Forum in Paris.
Chair Janet L. Yellen. Before the Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress, Washington, D.C.
The U.S. derivatives markets regulator is preparing a proposed rule for automated trading, a senior regulator said, after earlier asking market participants for insights on a long list of questions. "I understand that Commission staff is starting to work on a proposed rule," Scott O'Malia, a member of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, said in a speech. (Reuters)
EU Council adopts rules on bank recovery and resolution
The EU Council has formally adopted the Recovery and Resolution Directive (RRD). The Directive provides national authorities with tools to pre-empt bank crises by introducing instruments at preparatory and preventative, early intervention and resolution stages of bank failure. Member States have until 31 December 2014 to transpose the Directive into national law.
Steven Maijoor, Chair, European Securities and Markets Authority made a speech at the AFME conference about the reporting of OTC and ETD.

Europe aims to resolve FX dispute by late summer
European regulators aim to finalise their definition of foreign exchange derivative by late summer, in a dispute that will determine whether part of the $5tn-a-day forex market could face tougher legislation. Authorities have been struggling for more than two months to determine if forex forward contracts come under new rules designed to bring more transparency to opaque off-exchange markets. (FT)
EU regulators to focus on asset management
The revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive will establish controls on dark pools, as well as high-frequency and algorithmic trading, says Sharon Bowles, chairwoman of the European Parliament Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee. "We have not killed HFT or dark pools," she said. "There are opportunities for venues to use additional controls as a selling point, and the buy side can refuse to use venues that do not do this." (Markets Media)
Euro zone agrees on direct bank recapitalisation in 2015-Eurogroup head
The euro zone's bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism, could directly invest in a troubled bank next year, after 8 percent of the bank's total liabilities are written off, the chairman of euro zone finance ministers said. (Reuters)
The United Kingdom and Sweden attacked the bloc of EU nations pressing ahead with a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) after the group announced plans for the levy at Tuesday's (6 May) meeting of European finance ministers in Brussels. France, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain said a tax on shares and some derivatives would be implemented in their countries by 1 January 2016 at the latest. (EurActiv)
German Federal Government publishes draft act to reduce dependence on ratings
The German Federal Government (Bundesregierung) has published a draft act to reduce reliance on ratings. The act is intended to implement recently enacted EU legislation on the regulation of rating agencies and the supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision, undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities and alternative investment funds managers in respect of over-reliance on credit ratings.




Standard & Poor's
Asia-Pacific Economic Outlook: Risks Abound, Led by China's Financial Sector

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