Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Blue Ocean Strategy Tools, Frameworks and Methodologies - does it work?

"What blue ocean strategy seeks to do is to make the creation and capturing of blue oceans as systematic and actionable as competing in the red waters of known market space. For although blue ocean strategists have always existed, for the most part their strategies have been largely unconscious. Blue ocean strategy seeks to remedy this by not only decoding the pattern and principles behind the successful creation of blue oceans, but also providing the analytical frameworks and tools to act on this insight."

The above statement is the definition given by the practitioners of BOS. However, I disagree.

You can be guided by your subconscious mind. However, leading a group of people forces one to consciously present the idea for a complete buy-in. Unless you are in the army, a tyrant or a cult leader, your followers would want to know the strategy behind each action which they are asked to performed

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