Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Malaysian Bond Market Market Infrastructure

The Malaysian bond market can be segmented into 3 clusters:

(i) the pre-issuance stage;
(ii) the primary market; and
(iii) the secondary market.

These 3 segments represent the key phases in the life cycle of a bond or sukuk issue. The transition between phases is absolute, irreversible and definite; a bond or sukuk cannot “jump” phases. An issue will start at the pre-issuance stage before moving to the primary market, finally progressing to the secondary market. The life cycle of a bond or sukuk issue will end upon either the maturity of the instrument or its default.

1 comment:

  1. Hello The Blogger (63672674) [meoramri], I would like to know where did you get the source for the Infrastructures of Bond and Sukuk Markets. Why within RENTAS, there are 2 central depository entries? What is the role of central depository?


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